Creative Remix
Remix creativity around a theme that appeals to you. The key is to create multiple variations of a theme to be discussed.
What if, social media brands were eyewears?
Create quick and dirty prototypes to explore.
Thought Process

- Capture of moments
- Personal but curated
- Signature filters
- Analogue feel

Looking Through Filters
Represent the filter with vignette on lenses. Wood and leather is used to match their analogue-like branding.

- Posts and stories disappear
- Sharing momentary experience
- Young and liberal vibe
- Lenses and Face swap

Now You See Me, Now You Don’t
Paper is chosen as material to represent momentary. Slits also shows the ability to limit who sees what.

- Showcasing your taste
- Big population of crafty moms
- Scrapbook of your own

Look What I Love
You can showcase and represent things you love by pinning images to this frame made out of cork.

- Swipe right, swipe left
- Simple UI
- Casual hookup
- Relies heavily on selfie photos

It’s a Match!
The person who sees themself through the mirror on one lens will have an instant match with the one wearing.

- Massive information
- Personal announcement
- Fear of missing out
- Positivity reinforcement
Fear of Missing Out
Mirrors are facing different direction to help you see multiple area, but also blocking your view at the same time.

Wearing Glasses

Special Thanks
Very Special Thanks to:
Fridolin.B for Advice, and Support.
Everyone who tried on my glasses!